Sunday, 20 October 2013

mobile blogging software

4 Trendy Ways


Use a Blog

With the advancement in technology there have been so many ways available to use a blog. People like to show off sometimes. It is a human tendency that after you buy latest and expensive gadgets, you feel someone should notice and appreciate you. So today I planned to write about 4 trendy ways to use a blog. You will certainly impress your company by using a blog this way. 


Using a Blog Through eMail: 

This method of using a blog has been around for quite some time now. However this still comes under a category of trendy ways of using a blog as it is Blog beast platform. If you have a cell phone with GPRS or WAP, you can simply post into your blog via sending an email. You can do this any of the famous blog software.


For example, Blogger and WordPress. All you have to do is to create an email address with a respective blog service provider and send an email to them. The email subject will be the title of your blog post and email body will be the post. You can even use this method from your SmartPhones like, iPhone, BlackBerry etc. 


Using a Blog Through Mobile:

If you are in a remote area from where you do not have access to a computer and an internet, and if you wish to make an urgent post about some news that you have, it is now possible with your mobile. With Utterz you can post from anywhere using your mobile handset. Utterz has a capability to work with all popular mobile blogging software like, Blogger, WordPress, Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal etc.


You can even post Audio and Video along with pictures and text. You are not required to register with Utterz in order to use their service, however if you register you are given many more exciting features. And the best part is, if you do not even have a mobile phone, you can still send them a voice message from any phone, and your message will be posted on your blog within 10 minutes.


Read a Blog Through RSS Feed:

This is one of the best sources to read any of your favorite blogs on the go. RSS Feeds are so well organized that all the blogs in the world has this option by default. It gives you a list of all the blog post that has been posted recently with a short description. That way you can view all the post and decide which one to read.


Not only this, you can even check for posts from various blogs together. If you have a cell phone with capability to get online, you can even use RSS Feeds from your mobile. An alternative to this is to use a subscription method of your choice just like Empowerment Network.


Read a Blog Through SMS: 

Google is very advanced when it comes to technology and making people lives easy. Reading a blog through SMS is possible with Google SMS Channel and even through mobile blogging apps. Though this method is not very famous in blog world. When you register with Google sms channel, a blog owner will be asked to provide an RSS Feed link.


Then whoever subscribes to this blog owner's sms channel will receive an sms whenever a new post is posted on this blog. By the way only title of the blog post will be sent via sms, not the entire post.


An alternative to this is to use a subscription method of your choice just like Empowerment Network. Reading a blog through SMS is possible with Google SMS Channel and even through mobile blogging apps.

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