Monday, 25 November 2013

chimney repair Nottingham

In Need of

Home Improvement?

Why Not Start With

Your Chimney Lining

A properly installed chimney liner insulates from cold and draughts. It also reduces the risk of toxic flue gases and smoke coming in to your house. The seepage is especially possible if the chimney you are using is an old one and has sustained some wear and tear due to age and use. This problem can be taken care of by the installation of a chimney liner.


The secret to keeping maintenance costs down is to fix a crack when it is at hairline crack stage. The bigger the crack the more maintenance and the more expensive it is to chimney repair Nottingham. If you don't get a crack early, over time it will increase and you may have to go as far as replacing brickwork.


The reason it is so necessary to keep the chimney lining Northampton in good repair is your health. A lining with cracks will release gases or smoke into your living area. Your fireplace lining is more susceptible to cracking if you get a high amount of moisture due to a quick freeze and thaw rotation. The moisture will become actual drops and fill the crevices in the chimney. While the chimney is not used the drops of water freeze and the crevices are stretched. It takes a few winters of quick freeze and thaw for the crevices to become permanent cracks.


If your thermocrete chimney lining requires repair then it is advisable to use the services of a professional. If the fireproof tiles that line your chimney are cracked they must be replaced. It is usually older homes that still have tiles made of clay. If your chimney has clay tiles it is advisable to update your chimney's performance by replacing the clay tiles with a lining made entirely of heat treated stainless steel. This is the most contemporary solution for keeping your home secure from leaking carbon monoxide and also excessive heat. If you are working out a budget for home improvement then the repair or replacement of a lining for your chimney is not a luxury. It is essential for health and safety.


Another good reason to bring in the professionals is so they can also inspect the other sections of your chimney and fireplace. If your chimney is structurally unsound this must be restored because even if your concrete chimney lining is replaced it may not function optimally due to the rest of the chimney needing repairs. When it comes to a home product that falls within the category of health and safety it is better to be safe than sorry. This is why your lining is a good place to start improving your home.


Cylindrical metal chimney liners are available in rigid and flexible forms. Rigid liners are assembled from sections of pipe and lowered inside the flue. Flexible liners are made of continuous lengths of corrugated tubing which are installed inside the flue. Differences between flexible and rigid chimney liners include cost, ease of installation and situations where each is appropriate for use.


The bigger the crack the more maintenance and the more expensive it is to chimney repair Nottingham. If your chimney is structurally unsound this must be restored because even if your concrete chimney lining is replaced it may not function optimally due to the rest of the chimney needing repairs.

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