Friday, 30 May 2014

Mobile Loyalty Programs Is On Every Retailer’s To-Do List

An overview

The recession has been extremely challenging for retailers however at the same time a new technology has been emerging which will prove to be the retailer’s best marketing device for quite some time to come. That technology is the capability to market directly to the consumer's cell phone using SMS text messaging.

Smart retailers realize that their customers never leave home without their mobile phones and are checking and responding to text messages always for the duration of the day for cheap payment processing. A recent survey of mobile consumers reported that 57% of respondents would be interested in picking into a retailer's loyalty club. What is astounding is that 80% of respondents have never been marketed to by their favourite retailers by means of their mobile device.

Why choose loyalty programs?

This interest from consumers in mobile loyalty program clubs is a smart way open door for retailers understand their customers better. The main reason consumers will sign up for a loyalty program is whether they understand its value for them. It's paramount at the outset for retailers to begin building a progressing relationship with that consumer and to clearly present the value of receiving text messages with just the information the consumer needs.

The opportunities to provide the consumer with simply the information they need are endless and the technology to do so is available today. Consumers can receive text notifications of new seasonal merchandise simply received from their favourite designers, special promotional offers, sales and special events. By getting information about their relatives, consumers can receive birthday alerts and specific blessing suggestions.

The main strategy retailers use regularly

Numerous retailers utilize coupons to drive their business with cheap credit card processing. Yankee Group, the respected independent technology research firm, recently predicted that mobile coupon usage will explode worldwide increasing 13-fold from 2.7 million users in 2010 to nearly 35 million in 2014. Customary newspaper coupons are not likely to disappear altogether, yet why would a retailer not have any desire to spend pennies as opposed to dollars to deliver coupons to their customers. Better still, with the right mobile coupon technology, a retailer can text coupons to the consumer that match their specific interests and therefore generate much higher conversion rates.

The success of mobile marketing is clearly dependent upon the capability to get the customers' cellular phone number and the customer's permission to receive mobile marketing text messages. To perform this discriminating first step, you should incentivize your customers to take the starting step of joining your mobile loyalty program. Customers need to clearly understand how they will benefit from the mobile loyalty programs and that you genuinely care about them and need those to utilize all the benefits of program membership.

Most retailers have websites today and it will be critical to prominently promote your mobile loyalty club and make it easy to sign up online. When a new member goes along with, they ought to receive a rebate coupon and likewise realize that they will receive extra incentives for referring their friends and family to join also.

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