Thursday, 19 December 2013

Angel courses

Psychic Development,

Spiritual Enlightenment


Much More

Rose Quartz is a very feminine stone, gentle yet powerful. You find it in a vast array of shades from the palest (almost white) pink to a deep rich pink. It is an opaque stone that looks beautiful whether in its rough form, or polished.


Angel courses of rose quartz has a relaxing, calm, comforting, and loving energy that is said to gently remove negativity and encourage a composed, content, happy state. On a personal and emotional level it is said that this crystal gemstone can help to restore clarity and harmony to your emotions and thoughts after a crisis or difficult patch. It encourages unconditional love, helps us to come to terms with change and assists in releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache as well as emotional conditioning that no longer serve us - if indeed it ever did!


How Can Rose Quartz Help With Psychic Development Or Energy Work?

When working with our own energy field, or that of others, rose quartz can help to bring any of the chakras back into balance, however, it resonates most strongly with the heart chakra and is excellent at bringing it back into harmony and alignment as well as generally healing on an emotional level. In terms of psychic development this quartz crystal helps to strengthen our empathy and sensitivity so we may be able to pick up on more subtle energies, but also deliver messages and readings to others with more care and sensitivity.


Because its energy helps us to connect with peaceful feelings, deep inner healing, and unconditional loving energy it is a wonderful stone to help us get in touch with our own spiritual nature and philosophies and becoming an angel therapist. This gentle gemstone is related to relationships. It not only helps to heal emotional wounds but also encourages the heart and mind to open to the possibility of love, trust and harmony. Because of this it is used in magic to attract love, or a loving partner, or to restore an existing relationship. Above all, rose quartz crystal encourages us to love ourselves, which will in turn assist in attracting the love of others - how can anyone else truly love us if we don't even like ourselves?


Self forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-worth, and self-trust, are all a part of this process and we can encourage them by working with rose quartz. Wear it on your person, meditate with it, use it in energy work and have it around your home and workplace to encourage these feelings in yourself and see what the loving energy of rose quartz brings to you. Psychic powers and intuitions occur naturally in people, but you can use certain things to help you advance your psychic or spiritual development and make your powers stronger, or easier to identify. You can use crystals to help with your developing powers.


You can start with an amethysts crystal to help you to identify with your chakras and understand what they are telling you. Amethysts are not the only crystals that can aid in the psychic development of opening your chakras, but these purple stones are considered to be the best at doing this. You will want to place the crystal on your any of your chakras and concentrate to get the full power of the crystal working with your intuition.


Angel courses of rose quartz has a relaxing, calm, comforting, and loving energy that is said to gently remove negativity and encourage a composed, content, happy state. Psychic powers and intuitions occur naturally in people, but you can use certain things to help you advance your psychic or spiritual development and make your powers stronger, or easier to identify.

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