Thursday, 19 December 2013

Structural survey London

The Importance

to Have

a Structural Engineer

Survey Your Home

Before You Buy It

Buildings, whether commercial or as home, need to be well maintained to keep them safe and sturdy for many years to come. One way of ensuring this is by having a structural survey done.


What is a Structural Survey?

Structural survey London is surveys undertaken by licensed building surveyors that involved a detailed inspection of a property to report on the overall condition of the structure. They are usually conducted on old or unusual buildings that may have structural faults.


What does it include?

When you receive the survey it will include a variety of components. You will receive a report that details the overall structural condition of the property. The surveyors in Harrow will outline and major and minor defects in the property that needs to be addressed. The survey will also include a drawn map that will point to the specific areas that are of concern, and these will be referenced within the report.


Structural or house survey London can be very long in length and include a huge amount of detail. Legally, surveyors are required to include all information they find in the structural survey - which can seem daunting - however all houses have minor faults so don't be alarmed by long lists of small faults. These surveys will usually give the worst-case scenario on any defects found, just to be on the safe side. They will also include an estimated list of prices for repair and maintenance faults. Similarly, this will usually be over rather than under priced.


Why do you need one?

There are many reasons people get a structural survey. As a potential home buyer it can be a very good idea to get a structural survey done on any properties you are considering buying that are over 50 years of age. The property may appear to structural sound visually, but usually structural problems are beneath the surface and can only be detected by a qualified structural surveyor. If you buy a home that turns out to have structural faults and did not have a structural survey done prior to the purchase, then you may find yourself paying thousands of dollars to repair these faults at a later stage. If you get a structural survey done and it shows that there are major defects in the property then you can use this information either to look at another property or renegotiate the asking price to take the costs of the damage into account.


If you are already a home owner then you may wish to get a structural or building survey done to assess the condition of your home, either for the interests of safety or because you are planning on selling. Anyone with an old home may also be required to get a structural survey done prior to any extensions or upgrades to the lease extensions London.


A standard survey will look over its general condition and report any major and minor faults, whereas a more detailed structural survey can look at extra features such as the foundation, damp proofing, tree roots etc. This type of structural survey needs to be performed by a specialist structural surveyor. When a licensed and professional surveyor comes into your home they will usually spend around half a day investigating the property - however this length varies depending on the size of the house. The longest part of the process is the time it takes for the report to be processed. Expect to wait until around two weeks after the inspection to receive your full survey.


Structural survey London is surveys undertaken by licensed building surveyors that involved a detailed inspection of a property to report on the overall condition of the structure. Anyone with an old home may also be required to get a structural survey done prior to any extensions or upgrades to the lease extensions London.

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