Saturday, 26 July 2014


The Need
Sophisticated fishing tools are mostly targeted for the fun fisher who indulges in fishing sport on holidays or the day of ease or on those when he has taken off from busy schedules. With the advancement of technology more and more new devices and gadgets have sprung up in this area of usage also. The consumer should choose the articles which would serve him purposefully.

The Bait Casting Reel  

The Baitcasting Reel is an important item to be chosen carefully. These are classified into two main types: The low profile ones and the round variety. Within the first group – the prominent ones are Ecooda Delta Magnetic Cast control ones, Kastking royal low profile, Katking whitemax low profile, Kastking Elite, Kastking Sniper etc. Among the round ones the frontrunners are – Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 7000i, Abu Garcia Ambassadeur Conventional, AG A Round Bait cast, Kastking RXA70, Kastking RXA40, etc.   

The fishing Rigs

The fishing rigs are another set of extremely pivotally important items in fishing. A rig, in case of fishing, is the total arrangement of the fishing items. Thus naturally it consists of the fishing rod, the lure or bait, the hook attached to the bait, the bait caster, reel etc. There should be a balanced combination of all these part items to compile an excellent rig. The material should be meticulously chosen and one should be careful that no part gets parted off during the entire exercise. Once the fisher is in position – the rig should never be able to bother him in any way.  The notable ones are the Carolina Rig, Punch Rig, Texas Rig, Drop Shot Rig, Alabama Rig and Wacky Rig. By means of the Carolina variety the fishing expert would be able to trap the worm and that too from a horizontal surface. The Wacky one proves be useful in clear water. The Texas variety is able to showcase the worm in both horizontal and vertical manner.  

The swim baits

Swimbaits are also essential components among the tools for fishing. It can be loosely defined to be a kind of pretentious bait in fishing and attracts bites even when fishing is carried on at a water body having very thick vegetation. These are distinct in way of work from the crank baits. These are comparatively larger and a bit greater life-like than other lures put into practice.  

The Fishing line knots   

The fishing line knots are used to tie the swivel or the lure or the hook to the fishing line. The line incidentally is a kind of cord which is utilized for angling. Its material, weight and length are the important parameters to be considered. The one mostly used is the clinch type of knot. This is of the stronger genre and is useful for a weighty catch like a big fish. However the strongest of all knots is the Palomar variation. The Blood knot is used for attaching two lines together. Unlike the two prior varieties it is not used to secure the hook to the line. The other varieties in the lead are the Snell knot, Arbor knot, Egg loop knot, nail knot, Duncan Uni knot, Rapala knot, Drapar loop knot, Orvis knot etc.   

As a tail piece it should be mentioned that the enthusiastic fisherman should always be equipped with the proper tools in order to find complete satisfaction in the fishing activity – be it for sports or any more urgent exercise. The correct selection of items and accessories is very crucial in the entire effort.

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