Saturday, 26 July 2014


Disheartening traditional stock market trade  

Many players at the stock or forex trading market often get disillusioned after a fair amount of losing. The negative sentiment generally is a result for:

  • The length of the time these foresaid trading need
  • The amount of effort required, which frequently goes unrewarded
  • The high risks involved
  • Last but not the least – the tremendous setback and loss once one is not so fortunate to win over his bets
  • One can always make mistake in calling the shots and the entire effort and money goes a begging
About insured profit

The binary trading software insured profit is here with a long term solution to the above. It has been designed by people who are themselves kind Samaritans and only intend to assist others. This requires particular software which can be conveniently downloaded.

Why the term binary?

Like the law of probability involved in tossing a coin – here also only two results or two types of bets are involved in insured profit. The player or the investor concerned only requires pressing one out of two buttons on the program software of insured profit – the buttons being named “STAY” or “PUT”. Thus, in effect only two results are possible – WIN or LOSE -- 0 or 2 – much like the binary digits used in digital electronics. This led to the coining of the word “binary”.  

What is the gestation money amount for getting started? 

Not at all a great deal is required for the process. Rather, calling the stake amount is requires at the point of choosing the option STAY or PUT. This software is so user friendly and is so much built keeping the otherwise negative sentiments of a losing player of the traditional stock or forex trading.

What is different here as compared to the traditional approaches? 

The noteworthy feature which enables to usher in applauses for this software in insured profits review is the very fact that the stakes are not 50-50 as in the case of the traditional processes. Here if the bet of a investor in favor of the gain of a stock is $20 then if the forecast is accurate the player enjoys full 420. This is alright. But the remarkable feature in insured profit is that even if he loses the bet – he stands to slip only $2! This is astonishing. Having said that let us also consider the underlying rule that here the placing of the bet or stake is based on forecast about the gain or plummeting of a particular stock in the next 60 sec. Thus a player can be involved in trading for quite a handful of occasions even within a particular day.  So even if he loses $2 in one bet – he manages to make a substantial amount of money if he plays at least 7 to 8 times a day as the losing fraction is pretty less compared to the moderate or high stakes. Thus the player can make almost a fortune in one month. This has created immense popularity of this software insured profits. It has taken the imagination of the players, normally busy with the bourses, by storm.  

Is there any chance of a scam? 

There is no space even for discussion about insured profits scam. This is because of the simple fact that had there been any possibility or ulterior motive on part of the promotes for a fraudulent kind of nasty game, there would have been shouts and screams to boast about making billions by this software – on their part. But this software does not make any tall statements. Therein lays its credibility. It shows the way of making a fortune bit by bit – through patience and that too scientifically. This is more apparent due to the fact that while calling the stakes in favor of a any particular stock – the player can analyze the current position of the same from records and statistics provided by that software itself.  
Thus it is worthwhile to mention that this software is a gift to the trading people and investors. It is bound to stay in the market and numerous investors would find it beneficial.

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